Asphaltene problems can significantly affect well/lease profitability, causing troublesome operational issues, damaging formations and decreasing production. The main problem associated with asphaltenes is the plugging of perforations. Understanding the nature of asphaltenes, the conditions that lead to their becoming problems and solutions for controlling them are important.
Product Name & Description
Part # & Size
SOLVETEK 50 This powerful, concentrated asphaltene dispersant reduces the size of particles while keeping asphaltenes in solution and dispersed to avoid flocculating. SOLVETEK 50 is formulated to allow increased contact between solvents and deposits even in the presence of water. This product will increase production, reduce plugging of wells, reduce need for costly wire line service, and eliminate deposits on screens and tubing.

1025L Tote-205L Drum-20L Pail
SOLVETEK 200 is a highly concentrated asphaltene dispersant. This product keeps asphaltenes solublized (suspended) and dispersed to avoid reflocculation (rejoining) & reduce the size of particles. SOLVETEK 200's formula allows increased contact between solvents & deposits even in the presence of water. This product will increase production, reduce plugging of wells, reduce need for costly wire line service, and eliminate deposits on screens and tubing..

1025L Tote-205L Drum-20L Pail
This powerful, concentrated asphaltene dispersant reduces the size of particles while keeping asphaltenes in solution and dispersed to avoid flocculating. It is formulated to allow increased contact between solvents and deposits even in the presence of water. This product will increase production, reduce plugging of wells, reduce need for costly wire line service, and eliminate deposits on screens and tubing.

1025L Tote-205L Drum-20L Pail
A highly concentrated asphaltene dispersant. This product keeps asphaltenes solublized (suspended) and dispersed to avoid reflocculation (rejoining) & reduce the size of particles. Allows increased contact between solvents & deposits even in the presence of water. This product will increase production, reduce plugging of wells, reduce need for costly wire line service, and eliminate deposits on screens and tubing..

1025L Tote-205L Drum-20L Pail