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ACID CAP STICK (Acid Cap) (Regulated)
altachem@shaw.caThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

In A Water Soluble Tube
Acid Cap Sticks are water-soluble sticks that release acid down-hole in water injection wells to remove carbonate scale and rust deposits. Acid Cap Sticks are a combination of acid, surfactant, dispersing agent, iron sequestrator, and inhibitor in solid form. This stick is 100% active.
1 1/4 X 15
1 1/4 X 18
ACID STICK (Acid) (Regulated)
altachem@shaw.caThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Acid Sticks are water-soluble sticks that release acid down-hole in water injection wells to remove carbonate scale and rust deposits. Acid Sticks are a combination of acid, surfactant, dispersing agent, iron sequestrator, and inhibitor in solid form. This stick is 30% active.
3/4 X 15
1 1/4 X 15
1 X 15
1 3/8 X 16
SDS Sheet Available at
altachem@shaw.caThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
In A Water Soluble Tube
Scale Inhibitor Sticks contain chemicals that help prevent carbonate types of scale from depositing downhole in oil and gas wells, casing, tubing, and flow lines. It is also very useful to include Acid Sticks in this type of treatment since Acid Sticks will remove carbonate types of scale after being deposited, also neutralizing scale in solution.
1 1/4 X 15